Give them a voice…

Voicethread is a great tool that can be used in so many ways, for all kinds of conversation around images.  It allows you to upload pictures or video clips (or a whole power-point even).  Once files are uploaded, users can record or type in comments.  Great for discussion, feedback, collaboration..

Here’s an example my Year 5’s made today.  Each pair chose two characters from the story we have been learning, about the Jews who were rescued from Ethiopia in Operation Moses. They then created an imagined conversation in Hebrew.  It’s not a showcase presentation! This is authentic classroom learning…  if  you listen carefully (even if you don’t!) you can hear all  the background noise,  the teacher asking for quiet so that people could record, the mistakes in their Hebrew and the technological issues which sometimes affect recording!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

And this one was created by Jocelyn’s class during their unit on fair trade. She uploaded a video and the students recorded their comments.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

See our Scopus ICT wiki for more information and examples.  Leave a comment with your idea for using voicethread.  (I will NEVER stop asking!… I know you’re there and reading… why don’t you share?)

6 thoughts on “Give them a voice…

  1. Ed, I loved this. The kids all said something different and it was interesting to hear all the different aspects that each group chose to speak about.


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