10 questions to help you become a better teacher…

I read the post 10 Questions To Help You Become A Better Teacher This School Year by Terry Heick with interest.

The post grabbed my attention as I often sum up my own ideas in ten points. It has some interesting questions for teachers to consider, but I wonder if the post perpetuates the (mistaken?) idea that we should focus mainly on what we do and how we teach in order to improve as educators. In my opinion, focusing more on learning and less on teaching is a more worthwhile endeavour.

So here’s my take. 10 (other) questions to ask yourself that I think might help you be a better teacher…

1. What do I believe about learning?

How does learning best take place? Do kids learn by listening? By doing? By finding out for themselves? Does everyone learn in different ways? Do I value collaboration? Do some kids need to work alone? Does compliance contribute to learning?

2. Does my practice reflect my beliefs?

Do I provide opportunities for learning to flourish? Are learning experiences in my class aligned with my beliefs? Do I reflect regularly and critically to check if they are? Can someone else observe my classes and give me feedback? What if I asked the kids?

3. How do I shift my focus from what I teach to how they learn?

Is my teaching responsive? Do I constantly change the plans, depending on the learning? Do I step back and listen to the learners? Do I carefully observe and record where learners are at? How do I use my observations to inform teaching and learning?

4. Is the learner at the centre of everything?

Do I know every child’s story? What makes them happy? What do they care deeply about? What bothers them? How they do like to learn? What’s not working for them? How can I help connect the learning to their personal experience?

5. Do my students own their learning?

Do I talk too much? Test too much? Am I always in control? Does every conversation need to go through me? Do my learners have choice? How can I encourage them to take responsibility for the learning?

6. How can I ‘make friends with the curriculum’?

(Thanks for the quote, Sam Sherratt). Do I let the demands of curriculum get the better of me? Am I always trying to fit things in and tick things off? Can I become really familiar with the curriculum so that it’s woven through the learning experiences? How can I make trans-disciplinary connections? Am I ready to jump in with ‘just in time’ teaching?

7. How do I encourage creativity?

Can I stop playing ‘guess what’s in my head’? Do I encourage divergent thinking? How can I help my learners seek worthwhile problems to solve, rather than just the ones I set? How can I incorporate the arts into the learning? Is imagination as important as information?

8. How can I ensure the learning space promotes learning?

Did I get rid of rows facing the front years ago? Are the tables arranged for collaboration? Do we even need all the tables? Can we change the room around, depending on the learning needs? Do we need all the ‘stuff’ that clutters the room? What makes the learners comfortable? Will some colourful cushions change the feel of the learning? Can calming music affect the mood?

9. How can I ensure I am a learner first?

Am I a connected educator? Have I built a global PLN (professional learning network) using social media? Have I been to a Teachmeet or an Edcamp? Am I constantly reading and thinking about learning? Do I create my own learning opportunities? Or do I expect PD to be done to me?

10. How can I contribute to a culture of learning?

Am I a continual learner? Do I talk about my learning? Am I open to new ways of thinking? Am I ready to learn from my colleagues and my students? Do I willingly share my ideas? Do I bring solutions and suggestions rather than problems and complaints?

OK, so there are actually more than fifty questions, if you don’t just count the headings…

Who said becoming a better teacher was easy?

40 thoughts on “10 questions to help you become a better teacher…

  1. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into ‘thinking out loud’- in this case your blog. Always a great read for reflective practice. Thank you.


  2. You can’t be a great teacher if you aren’t still a committed learner. Reflection, revision, rethinking – keys to doing great math and great teaching.
    Nice list.


  3. Excellent list! And implied in a few of these questions perhaps an 11th. As a teacher what can I do for my students to encourage the intrinsic satisfaction that comes from learning


  4. As always, so lovely to read and fantastic to be able to share with others. And I think we should always be asking ourselves what question we are asking ourselves right now :)….so there is always a question we carry in our heads…nice one Edna


  5. Whar a great list of questions to consider! I will be starting my internship in the next few weeks and these are perfect questions to keep in mind as I start planning the learning experiences in my classroom.


  6. When I’m planning lessons by myself and interpreting the broken English that my co-teachers use to try to explain the textbook page they want to cover during the next lesson, I always first ask myself “How can I keep the students at the center of everything I’m thinking of doing?”. I suppose it’s my teacher mantra!


  7. Reblogged this on The Life of a Conflicted Teacher and commented:
    I’m minding my own business, just looking and different blog and I come across this gem! I’ve never “reblogged” something before, so hopefully I’m doing this right. Either way, what a wonderful way to help all of us who deal with children think about ways we can do things different, or even better!


  8. I love these top ten questions (and the fifty or so sub questions). I’m wondering you’d pulled this together from your own thoughts and experiences or more from a collection of research that you’ve studied over the years? Or both? Any research links around each key question would be great!
    I noticed the first two questions really reflect Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullen’s work on the 14 Parameters of schooling. Do you have more links like this for research?


  9. Thank you for sharing all of these questions with us. I am still a student, but I am going into education. I think all of these questions with help me throughout the rest of my classes, and especially in my student teaching and first few years of becoming a classroom teacher of my own!


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