Thanks for reading…

I’ve always been a reader.

My parents’ house was full of books and, as a child, I read every Enid Blyton book I could get my hands on before graduating to other genres and authors. I still recall Mrs Whitesman, my Standard 4 teacher who read us ‘The Incredible Journey’ and that I was one of the privileged ones sometimes permitted to read aloud to the class. Mrs Gordon, the school librarian (who once threw a book at me for being cheeky!) would read us extracts from new books to encourage us to read. I remember her personal suggestions of life-changing books, like ‘Exodus’ and ‘Mila 18’ by Leon Uris…

In recent years, even with my family spread around the globe, many a conversation has included shared book discussions and recommendations. My mom and I would discuss what we were reading till almost the end of her 91 years…

It’s time to take a break from blogging over the summer, although it’s very much winter here in snowy Boston, where we are spending time with our gorgeous grandson and his parents. Before we left, I downloaded half a dozen books and chose some paperbacks (I still love ‘real books’ ) because the holidays are always a time for reading. I brought along ‘A Country Too Far’, writings on asylum seekers by well known Australian authors for my son and and have already started reading ‘The Rebirth of Education’ by Lant Pritchett, which he bought for me.

My grandson Shai is 4 months old and his ‘library’ includes ‘Ten little Fingers and Ten Little Toes’, one of my favourites by Mem Fox, and ‘VERY Little Red Riding Hood’, which he appears to be enjoying…


Happy holidays and thanks for reading the blog during the year. I’ll be back in 2014!

13 thoughts on “Thanks for reading…

  1. I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years and have learned so much from you . Thanks. Enjoy the special time with your precious children and grandson.


  2. Thanks Edna! I know Im pretty slack at commenting but I do read your blog a lot. Youve been an inspiration to me over the past few years and a huge part of my professional learning. Best in 2014!


  3. What a great, happy photo – you’re obviously already having a wonderful time in Boston!

    Make the most of it and All The Best for 2014 đŸ™‚


  4. Ed thanks so much for all of your inspiring posts this year. I love your honesty and you always make me think. Enjoy your family time and I look forward to sharing more with you in 2014.
    Regards Lana


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