Edublog Awards 2011… or not.

Just a little over two years ago, I wrote my first blog post. I never expected to have readers at all, let alone readers all over the world, many of whom would, over time, become my friends. A year later, I was thrilled to be nominated for the Edublog Awards and proudly displayed the nomination badges in the sidebar of my blog. I didn’t care about winning, it was enough to have an acknowledgement that people out there valued what I had to say. I nominated some of my favourite blogs, knowing that as soon I hit the publish button, I would think of others I could have or should have included.

Another year later, a self-confessed addict to both reading and writing blogs, I wouldn’t know which to choose if I had to nominate favourites. Instead, I have some thoughts to share…

  • Sometimes I have so many unread posts in my reader I just mark them as ‘read’ and start all over again.
  • Sometimes I have so many tabs open with posts which I am still enjoying that my browser crashes.
  • Sometimes I clean out my reader and reduce my subscriptions, in the hope I will be able to keep up with fewer blogs.
  • At other times I keep adding new blogs till my reader is unmanageable and I would need a week off work to catch up.
  • There are some blogs I like because they echo my sentiments and every post resonates for me.
  • There are others that I like because they challenge me; they make me question and think, rethink and justify my thinking.
  • I have learned an amazing amount and grown as an educator (even after 30 years!) from reading other educators’ blogs.
  • I believe that teachers who aren’t reading education blogs and furthering their learning by engaging in social media are being left behind.
  • I often read posts that inspire me to comment, but I can’t quite find the words to add something new to the conversation.
  • I constantly email blog posts I discover to colleagues at my school because they are inspiring or challenging or interesting or all three.
  • It sometimes bothers me that my most read posts are those in my ’10 ways series’ while other posts I regard as more valuable are read less.
  • Most of the time my blog is a space to write my reflections and process my learning, as much for myself as anyone else.
  • I always, always appreciate comments on my posts, even when I don’t respond individually.

I do have two favourite blogs I’d like to mention, for different reasons, even though I have personal investment in both.

One is Inquire Within, a blog about inquiry learning in all its forms, which now has contributors from 14 different countries, across six continents. It’s great that many of the contributors are PYP teachers as I am, but even better that many are not as they provide different perspectives. I like the fact that anyone can contribute and that every post is a surprise because of the variety of voices. I love the commonality and the diversity.

The other one is a class blog. Every class at my school now has a blog, and each one is at a different stage. My favourite is the 6D blog and only partly because I have taught that class and have an attachment to both the children and their class teacher! The blog is an extension of the classroom learning, a home for visible thinking and an opportunity for promoting authentic inquiry. I love that it’s messy and creative, as learning should be.

Here’s what the two blogs have in common: inquiry, learning, authenticity, multiple voices, diversity, big ideas … and they each represent a community of learners.

10 thoughts on “Edublog Awards 2011… or not.

  1. So interesting. Your description sounds just like “information overload,” but what I find so interesting that it’s actually a feature, not a bug. So many wonderful things to read and think about. It’s like a horn of plenty.

    Brings to mind a coffee cup someone gave me. Tt says “So many books. So little time.” In the world of business we would call it a “high class problem.”

    I’ve been following your 6 Daled blog and tend to agree. Fresh voices confronting Big Ideas for the first time. it’s an inspiration and a breath of fresh air.


    1. Thanks, Michael. Don’t even get me started on ‘so many books, so little time’… That is another whole story!
      It ‘s great to hear that ‘real people in the world’ ( as the kids say) read what 12 year olds write on their very messy blog and get some pleasure out of it.


  2. Wow, this totally sounds like me! I definitely add, emend, delete, filter and mark as read all of my google reader blogs too! However, I still manage to have heaps of tabs open while I try to save to or Evernote all of the bits and bobs I am reading and learning from!
    Have to agree wholeheartedly with your comments about “teachers who aren’t reading education blogs and furthering their learning by engaging in social media are being left behind” – we are no longer limited to the humble teacher only day PD or the drug induced comas we felt when on courses we were sent to! Open, relevant, challenging and up-to-the-minute PD is available free online every second of every day, if only we can get more educators to see that!
    As for selecting 1-2 fave blogs, I would have to list yours as one of mine! 🙂


    1. Thanks, Kimberly! ‘Open, relevant, up-to-the-minute PD is available every second of every day…’ I think I’ll put that on a sign to hang in the staff room and add to the school intranet front page with a link to my overcrowded reader. Speaking of which I don’t even think I have set my subscriptions to public… Just another thing to do!


  3. Hello Edna
    Just a little under two years ago, I became a reader of your blog. Always an enjoyable read, choc a bloc with ideas I have dragged into my own staff room or discussed over coffee at Axil.
    However, the opportunities to comment on your posts have done much more for me. I am an occasional blogger, but have relished the chances to question my existing thinking and develop my thoughts, and push my teacher-inquiry further. I recommend any teacher to HIT REPLY to enrich the online conversations and their own thinking. Hey, what’s not to like about responding? Someone else has chosen a worthwhile topic, I only have to write a paragraph or two, I can challenge your writing and put forward questions to be built on by other responders. Through responding, I belong, I learn.


    1. Exactly! If teachers who don’t blog themselves, would just read some and join the conversation by commenting, they would become part of the community. I always appreciate your comments and the challenges you throw at me! We are definitely going to review the learning principles early next year as you suggested in one of your insightful comments recently.


  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how you blog and access the content of other bloggers! My experiences are similar, although I must admit that I hardly ever look at Google Reader anymore, although I subscribe to numerous blogs there. Instead I read articles and blog posts that come across my Twitter stream, and share or re-share posts I find valuable via Twitter as well. This has helped me with the “information overload”, and I find it much less overwhelming than trying to constantly manage my blog subscriptions.

    On this Thanksgiving weekend in the USA, one of the things I am thankful for is the vast amount of information and conversation that is available to us via the web and social media, and the almost equally vast number of ways we have to access it. 🙂


  5. I am about to end my school year and so wanted to share some thoughts about my learning this year.
    I feel sometimes as I have one thousand conversations happening all at the same time. My BLEEK (blog week) begins early on a Sunday morning.. this is far more stimulating than the newspaper (which used to be first thing up on a Sunday) Then its a meander through twitter…. another blog or two …. and my brain is filled with new ideas and thinking to mull over for a while. (sometimes I do shamefacedly admit in the Pilates gym class) – Monday at school its a couple of conversations with colleagues and more thinking and adding ideas and connections. A few more blogs during the week quickly snatched between other work and family comittments.. (far easier than a day out for PD)
    I have loved my year with the blog and recently Twitter. The generosity of the you Edna and other bloggers have made this the best year ever for new learning. Thank you all.


  6. Just a question..
    What makes some class blogs exciting, engaging for kids and a place where they talk and share just becauae they love it. …and others places where you have to drag out comments and kids are not engaged. What do you think?


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