What is creativity?

What do you think creativity is? What inspires you to be creative?

I asked these question to some random kids from Year 4, 5 and 6. Watch the video to hear what they said, totally unscripted…

Here’s what struck me:

  • Their ability to express their ideas, unrehearsed.
  • How willingly they participated, despite being approached out of the blue.
  • The diversity of their responses.
  • How articulate they were.
  • The culture of reflection and thinking we have created in our school.

and, well… how creative they are!

14 thoughts on “What is creativity?

  1. Beautiful Edna! I’m struck by the relaxed, confident and articulate ways in which the students have responded. What eloquent thinkers! It would be interesting to ask the students to identify the recurring themes in what is said and how they see creativity enhancing their lives as learners. And I’m wondering what teachers/adults would say if you asked them the same question? 🙂


  2. My name is Annie Turner I am a student at The University of South Alabama majoring in Elementary Education, I am in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class and was assigned to comment on your blog. I LOVE this blog post! I have a daughter who is four and just last week I asked her what she thought imagination and creativity was, and her response was so perfect! She said,” Creativity is when you can make things from your very own ideas! And Imagination is when your brain helps you pretend things that aren’t real, so you can have fun!” I thought it was first of all amazing how she knew in her own little words what these two things meant! I love how you unscripted asked several children what Creativity was to them! SO impressive and so neat! The mind of a child is such a beautiful thing!


  3. Mrs. Sackson,

    I really enjoyed your video! Just making the video shows how creative the students are. They have all different ideas about what creativity is. There is no set definition for creativity, so in that aspect they were all correct. Creativity is something that is unique to that person. One student could love to make plaster molds, while another likes to paint. I think that it is all in the eye of the beholder. The students are very well educated and sound very articulate! I loved hearing their opinions over the adults because the students are the people that need to be heard. It is sad that as they grow the creativity starts to fade and they become just like everyone else. This is because some schools just have them fall in line with everyone else. They do not think that the arts are useful, which they are this is what brings out the creativity. I hope to see that in high schools everywhere students having fun and enjoying their learning. Instead of just sitting in boring desks, listening to a boring lecture, and doing boring worksheets. School is supposed to be about creativity, standing out, and wowing everyone! I am a mother to a one year old and he loves to just make things out of his blocks. This is already showing his creative side! I really did enjoy your blog post! Thank you for the opportunity to let me read it.

    Courtney Block


  4. I am impressed by the background visuals in this video – and the obvious creativity in the approach of the adults who are fanning the creativity embers already inside these children. (Note: fanning vs guiding or developing). Kudos to the blog author for the creativity of the video itself — and many thanks for sharing.

    Obviously, I am *not* one who buys into the idea that creativity dims with age – probably due to the fact that, in my community throughout the lifespan, creativity is the “rule” rather than the exception – despite the fact that ongoing attempts have been made to get each of us into “the box” that for many, constitutes growth and maturity.

    FYI, I will be linking here as one of the “relateds” on the first of a Creativity Series in development on my ADD-focused wordpress blog: “Is Creativity like a Sense of Humor?” I’ll ping you once it goes live.

    (if you visit, be SURE to note my “bribe” at the very end — I’d love to have your participation as the series moves forward – any of “you” who comment here as well)

    Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CMC, SCAC, MCC
    – ADD Coaching Field co-founder –
    (blogs: ADDandSoMuchMore and ADDerWorld – dot com!)
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”


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