How are all learners’ needs for catered for?

Have you thought about whether or not all learners needs are catered for, as highlighted in an earlier post?

Which of these images resonates with your perspectives on inclusion, differentiation or simply catering for every learner’s needs? 

Multiple different entry points, well planned in advance, to allow access for every learner?

Or one broad, interesting, open-ended provocation that allows each learner to go to a different place…?

Image by Dominic Walter


How do you cater for all learners’ needs?

Do you plan for differentiation in advance of the learning? Or do you wait and see what the provocation reveals?

Do you teach first, then observe what learners need? Or do your learners have a go, before you step in to teach or support?

Are there opportunities for all learners to engage in a complex, meaningful problem in different ways, depending on interest, ability and preference?

Does agency and ownership allow learners to learn at their own pace, seeking support when they need it?

Does an inquiry stance in itself ensure differentiation and inclusion?

Related post: 10 ways to differentiate learning.

3 thoughts on “How are all learners’ needs for catered for?

  1. What a great way to prompt thinking! I love the images. I can’t resist it!
    When thinking of an inquiry, I would choose the second image of the single door onto a landscape. We orient the door in a direction, and let the learners walk through and determine which paths they will take. Sticking with the hiker/learner analogy, I would observe what intriques the hikers, what interests them, what skills do they demonstrate, what tools might they need to follow their chosen path. Often even if on different paths or quests, the hikers may need similar tools. This is where the four doors might come in. I might group students according to which tools they need. There may be different tools behind each of the four doors. Learners might meet with me to pick up their necessary tools and then continue forward on their chosen path.

    Thank you Edna, for presenting this doorway to reflective thinking!


  2. Absolutely agree! I would have preferred to start with a directed door and then let the learners choose their path and tools. Edna, you really have us thinking so effortlessly with your brilliant analogy of doors. Thanks!


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